
Sara Gallagher Bloom

Last chance to elevate ⬆️ and level up your future self

Published about 1 month ago • 2 min read

Holy moly, Reader —

Here we are!

Today is a day you can mark off on your calendar. 📆

Day before the eclipse? Yes, and

Today, you’ll make a decision that moves you one step closer to calm, focus and peace. I want to help make that decision super simple for you. As I see it, you've got three options…

🟢 Option 1:
“Ready” is your middle name.

You know in your heart, soul and brain that you want a meditation practice — even if you already have one, you’re craving more. More meaning, more connection. You know that a focused jump-start program is your ticket to what you crave and your foot is on the gas — let’s go!

If this is you (and I hope it is!) join me in The Imprint — we begin tomorrow! I’ll be there every single step of our 21-day journey

Enrol now.

You’ll receive everything you need to start getting ready right away!

🤔 Option 2:
You’re really intrigued! ...But, you’re still in “thinking” mode.

I get it. I do.

You’re counting the cost, and tallying your time, resources and energy to finally do the thing and begin a habit that will soon become a sacred ritual — one that so many successful people swear by. You’d be letting go of comfort— there is great comfort in the status quo!

Has it produced the results you want, though? Sometimes, grasping a new, bold, life-changing thing can be a challenge. I’ve been there, and I want to remind you that I’ve designed The Imprint to help you. Make. It. Stick.

My program has been around three years, now, and has helped dozens of brave souls from around Canada — and a good bunch around the world, too — find more energy, greater focus, and deeper meaning.

But if you are still sitting with questions, that’s normal. Just ask. Whatever your concerns, we can talk about it. If it’s the economy holding you back, I got you with some solidarity pricing.

⏱ Option 3:
Timing is everything.

You’re pretty sure that you aren’t quite ready, right here and right now.

If this is you, I want you to know that I respect your decision. Sometimes saying “no” is hard, but necessary.

The Imprint will come around again, though I don't have a scheduled date yet.

Just know that I’m cheering you on ALWAYS and celebrating your clarity. 🎉

Whatever decision that is, make it. The benefits of sitting on the fence are… none!

The benefits of powerfully moving forward with whatever feels most right, and taking inspired action, can be life-changing.

Happy decision day! And happy day before the solar eclipse, too!
Big love ❤️

PS: this is the last chance to join before we start! I do let in a few late registrations, but if you want to begin at the beginning, this is the moment — I'm so excited to support your meditation practice this season!

4260 Avenue Girouard, 3rd floor, Montreal, Quebec H4A 3C9
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Sara Gallagher Bloom

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